FAQ How can we help?
An online pet memorial is a web page, designed entirely by you, as a tribute to the life and memory of a cherished pet that has passed away. We have discovered that an online memorial is a wonderful way to help the grieving process and to create a lasting remembrance.
It’s very easy, and requires no Internet or web programming skills. You step through a simple question and answer wizard that includes questions about the required content and the structure that you would like to use for your online memorial. By following the instructions provided, you can add text, pictures, graphics, audio and video, making as many changes as you wish until you are satisfied with the look and design of the memorial.
Your pet memorial will be visible immediately after you enable the online memorial (for FREE) at the end of the question-and-answer wizard.
- Anybody visiting your online pet memorial could make a contribution by adding a photo, personal note, or uploading an audio clip, video clip, or document. When you create the memorial you can decide whether visitors are allowed to do this. Optionally, you can specify that the online memorial be “moderated” by you. In this case, you must view and approve all contributions before they will appear on the memorial web page. You can even choose to be notified automatically by email whenever someone adds a photo, personal note or other memorabilia to the memorial.
- Our goal at familyforever.com to have all of your friends and family visit your pet memorial for years to come. Unlike other online memorial services, no advertising banners will ever appear on the web page, and the web address can be personalized by you. In fact, we let you choose your own web address, such as “https://www.familyforever.com/Lassie”.
- All of our services here at familyforever.com are completely international. They can be used by anyone in any country in the world.
- This is a FREE service which allows you to step through a question and answer wizard to create a pet memorial, upload text, graphics, audio, video, and other memorabilia. You can make unlimited updates to the memorial while it is online and you are a member at ILovedMyPet.com. The memorial will be maintained for free for the first 3 months, and can be extended to a given number of years, or permanently, as specified by you.Fees for extra space or time beyond what comes for free are extremely reasonable, as we just need to cover the basic costs of hosting and maintaining the pet memorial. Any profits from this website are donated to pet charities.Our complete pricing structure is available on our Products & Prices page.
- There is a link on your member home page which allows you to delete your entire membership. Clicking on this link will result in the permanent deletion of your entire account, including all of your member information, and any memorials, documents or files you have created or uploaded. Before doing this, be sure that you understand that if you perform this action, there will be no record of you ever having an account on this website and you will no longer be able to login. Your membership account and memorials will not be recoverable.
- Just send us an email at support@ilovedmypet.com and we can take care of that for you. Be sure to include your name and indicate which specific memorial should be removed.
- If you make changes to your memorial, but you can only see your “old” memorial when you view it online, this is because you have “caching” enabled in your web browser. In certain circumstances, this causes your browser to access a temporary “cached” version of your memorial from your hard drive instead of retrieving the latest one from our web server. Check your browser’s documentation for instructions on how to clear the cache.
- If you try to add a picture downloaded directly from a digital camera it is likely to be extremely large. You should try to reduce the size of the picture so that the dimensions are about 450 x 300 pixels and save it in “jpg” format. Usually, this will reduce the size from 2 Megabytes to about 60 Kilobytes (about 30 times smaller). If you are not sure how to do this, email the picture to us, and we can do it for you.
- There is a considerable amount of information included in the on-line help when you start to create an online pet memorial. This will answer most of the common questions regarding the steps in creating the online memorial.For information about ILovedMyPet.com in general, you can browse this website or send an email to support@familyforever.com. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.