Feeling Better New Pet Ready
Which type of person are you?
A. I will never get another pet because I can never go through this kind of pain again.
B. I am deeply sad, but I do want to welcome a new pet into my home when I feel ready. I want to honor the pet that I lost by giving a loving home to another pet that needs it.
How will you know when you are ready for a new pet?
Adopting a new pet before you have worked through your grief can cause problems for both you and your new pet. Every person experiences grief differently.
For some the loneliness or quiet of an empty house can make grieving more difficult and painful, and a new pet can help the healing process.
Some people resent a new pet obtained too soon, so don’t make a hasty decision. Take your time. Don’t let anyone rush you into making a decision, or pressure you into making a choice that isn’t right for you, no matter how well -meaning the friend or relative.
The time is right when you feel you have worked through your grief sufficiently to be confident that you can look forward to new relationships, rather than backward at your loss. This might be a matter of days, or weeks, or months or even years.
Your new pet will not be a “replacement” for the one you lost, but a brand new relationship which is unique and built over time, with a new set of memories and experiences. Look for a pet that is in some way different from your lost pet.
We’re in this together
volunteering or giving back to feel better.