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Grief Anticipatory Grief

What is Anticipatory Grief?

Anticipatory grief is a common reaction that occurs to a pet owner before the actual loss of a pet. It is an unconscious form of coping that helps us prepare emotionally for the coming loss.

It commonly occurs when one is faced with the news of a serious illness, terminal diagnosis, or the realization that your pet is in significant decline.

 It may also be experienced as early as the first signs of aging.  As your pet ages and becomes less able to engage in the activities of their youth, you may grieve each loss. The loss of long walks,  playing with toys, and other daily living pleasures remind us that our time with our beloved pet will end.

If you are highly bonded with your  pets you will feel anticipatory grief more deeply. You may dread what life will look and feel like without your pet, and this can feel overwhelming and make you feel very anxious.

You may also feel acute sorrow, worry, fear, guilt, stress, depression and feel indecisive and confused. These feelings are commonly experienced in waves, like an emotional rollercoaster.

How can you cope with anticipatory grief?

Do not make any drastic changes to your routine with your pet. Don't try to force or create treasured memories before the time comes. This can lead to unnecessary stress, so it can be better to keep spending quality time with your pet, and depending on their health, stick to their standard daily routine, such as walks and playtime.
Do not make any drastic changes to your routine with your pet. Don’t try to force or create treasured memories before the time comes. This can lead to unnecessary stress, so it can be better to keep spending quality time with your pet, and depending on their health, stick to their standard daily routine, such as walks and playtime.
Prioritize taking care of yourself - mentally and physically. It can be exhausting to care for a sick or aging pet, and the journey may be long. Make sure you are getting enough rest and social interaction and connection with others.
Prioritize taking care of yourself – mentally and physically. It can be exhausting to care for a sick or aging pet, and the journey may be long. Make sure you are getting enough rest and social interaction and connection with others.
Ask for help when you need it. Let others in your inner circle help you with the tasks and frequently time-consuming pet related tasks that you are faced with on a regular basis.
Ask for help when you need it. Let others in your inner circle help you with the tasks and frequently time-consuming pet related tasks that you are faced with on a regular basis.
Plan ahead. Speak to your veterinarian, and explore some of the topics available on our site. How do I know when it’s time? Can help you make informed decisions about the future.
Plan ahead. Speak to your veterinarian, and explore some of the topics available on our site. How do I know when it’s time? Can help you make informed decisions about the future.
For a moment just focus on the positive, the unconditional love and the privilege of having your pet with you right now. – and not just on what is to come. Enjoy what you have today. Hug your pet and feel thankful for this moment.
For a moment just focus on the positive, the unconditional love and the privilege of having your pet with you right now. – and not just on what is to come. Enjoy what you have today. Hug your pet and feel thankful for this moment.

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