Old/Terminally Ill Plan the passing
If you have determined that it is time to let your pet go.
It helps enormously to plan the passing.
Talk to your veterinarian about options. You may wish to schedule an in-office visit for euthanasia, or an in-home visit by an experienced provider. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend a reliable, reputable local service to you that will guarantee a compassionate, pain-free passing for your pet.
Talk with those closest to you about the timing, and allow enough time for personal goodbyes.
Create a pet bucket list. Perhaps there are some favorite places, activities or delicious treats that would be wonderful for your pet. Plan them, and enjoy them together. From eating chicken under a cozy blanket on the couch, to running on the beach -just do what brings them joy and treasure your time together.
Decide whether you wish to have a keepsake made before the passing, like a plaster paw print.
Decide whether you wish to have your pet buried or cremated, and whether you wish to keep the remains in an urn or bury them in a cherished place.
Make sure to take some time out of your life for the first few days of grieving, and be sure to have plenty of help and support.
Understand your grieving process, and what to expect the first few days and weeks without your pet.